Mt. Tate Ski Touring & Fiery Sunsets in the Australian Alps

Atop Mt. Tate watching an amazing sunset across the mountains

Moey Strong


Currently based in Sunshine Coast, AU

Moey is inspired by the natural world and how things work. He has recently become a coffee snob as he has ‘matured’ and is trying his hand at learning Spanish

Mother Nature turns it on

The day started with a trip to the local Birchwood Café with my mates Jordy and Coehn. We didn’t know what the day would bring with a forecast of partly cloudy, perhaps with more clouds than sun. I certainly didn’t expect at this time of the season it would be some of our first adventures together. It’s a little ironic how you can be so close to some of your best mates and still struggle to see them. The season though had more than its fair share of curveballs. It became clear however after some nice food and good coffee we were in for a day full of good times and adventure.

To say we lucked out weather wise would be an understatement. After some snow fell overnight we could see the trees around town had copped a dusting well below its normal. En route to Guthega much to our surprise it was still dumping. In Aus we lap these moments up, although it doesn’t snow as regularly as other locations around the world, there’s something so special about seeing our Eucalyptus trees covered in snow!

Continuing upwards and higher into the mountains the clouds broke and suddenly we were in blue skies. Even though it had snowed overnight springtime meant that the snowpack had already warmed down low and our hopes of powder had already turned to slush…

The surface was crusty but the layer was thin, it paid to be light on your feet and ideally have snowshoes with a heel lift *Coehn*. We scoped some bowls, sprayed some turns, hit some jumps and scored some shots. T-shirts were off.

The aim off the day was to maximise the light and our opportunities to ride and didn’t we do just that. As the sun set the lads probably realised they were a layer or two short as the wind and cold started to kick in. We were just about to leave as it was getting quite dark but the sunset caught on fire and these images below come from those special last moments of light.

The ride down was crusty and the thighs were burning but it was so fun. Arriving back at the crossbridge in near darkness around 6:30, the day was topped off when Coehn somehow retrieved his gloves lost at the start of the day.